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Peer Leading

Criminal Justice LC
Psychology LC
Political Science LC
Peer Leading: Welcome

Overview of Experience

Fall 2016, Criminal Justice Learning Community

After an entire week of 9-6 training, etiquette dinner, and motivational speakers, I was ready to finally meet my students! With no doubt, I was nervous walking into the first day of being a Peer Leader. What was I thinking, leading 20 Freshmen through their first semester at the University of Cincinnati?! This experience is one I will never forget.

Being a Peer Leader was signing a hypothetical contract with yourself to always bring your A-Game, being inspirational, living through the student's ups and downs, as well as constantly encouraging them to reach for the sky when setting their goals and achieving their dreams. This is not just a "job" you sign up for, it is responsibility, integrity, and dedication towards the University and our students.

Through the Fall semester of 2016, I mentored 20 students socially, academically, and assisted them in networking with other students, faculty, advisors, and organizations on campus. I had a responsibility in turning in weekly lesson plans outlining how our LC meetings will look, specifically what we will be covering on those days. Many Lesson Plans included motivational exercises, study tips, dealing with anxiety/stressors in our lives, and specific ones focused on studying for exams, quizzes, and writing papers.

A highlight many students noted of their experience was networking with others on campus that they would not have met if not being part of the LC. We had many organizations join us, like Student Government, RAPP (Racial Awareness Program-diversity activities), as well as the Dean of CECH, and several faculty and advisors.

Being a Learning Community Peer Leader satisfied and served the desire in me to give back to the UC community, influence incoming freshmen, and play a larger role in the beauty of our Bearcat Family! I was personally inspired by these amazing, goal-getter Freshmens, and hope that they can pass on the enthusiasm and happinnes to other UC students.

Peer Leading: About

Psychology Learning Community

Spring 2017

Coming Soon!

Peer Leading: About
Snowy Mountains

Political Science Learning Community

Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

Coming soon!

Peer Leading: About
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