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2016-17 Year-In Review

2016-17 Year In Review: Welcome

What A Year!

This academic year has been marked by many milestones which I have reached, new positions earned, as well as new experiences that allowed me to explore my passions on a larger scale. It all started off with becoming a Peer Leader in the Fall of 2016 (it seems like yesterday) to this point where I have -almost- figured out what true impact I wish to have.


I do not seek new positions and titles, but I do seek impact; not the theoretical one though. Though I was not involved on campus my Freshmen year, I believe my Sophomore involvement has made-up for the "missed time". My students -both in Peer Leading & Tutoring Center- have all inspired me to achieve my dreams, no matter how blurry they seem from a distance. 


In one word this semester was: smooth, yet eventful (definitely more than one word). I was promoted to Senior Peer Leader at the beginning of this semester, as I assist in other duties in FYE (Common Read Committee). I soon became an Honors Ambassador, C.E.C.H. Ambassador, as well as Tribunal Senator in Student Government. To my surprise and honor, I was also asked to be featured by the Office of Admissions! And it all happened very quickly! 


I am enthusiastic as to what is to come in my future, though much uncertainty lies ahead. The political schema surrounding this semester was very contagious, to say the least. This has allowed me to see the good in people, I never thought would unite as one together, to much surprise. This has allowed me to ignite conversations with fellow Bearcats in engaging student involvement in the greater political arena.


Another year down, few more to go! 

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2016-17 Year In Review: About
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