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College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and IT... TRIBUNAL!

CECH Tribunal President

Tribunal: The Undergraduate Student Government of individual colleges on campus.

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CECH Tribunal President: About

Revamping Tribunal

My journey with the CECH Tribunal began in my Sophomore year when I was a General Body member. In my Junior year I became a Senator, where I was able to represent CECH on a larger platform in Undergraduate Student Senate; a place where my journey with Student Government kicked off. After conducting my Senator experience, I decided that I wanted to work closer with administration in CECH, as well as collaborate with more students in order to reach the different student needs within our college. 

 As I was passing through the idea to different individuals that I might be running for Tribunal President, I was surprised by the responses, “Mariam, it’s not worth it… You’ve seen how it has been; don’t waste your time.” This was my true calling that I needed to step up and run for President; I work best when I am challenged. This is how organizations fail and I was not going to allow that to happen.

Vision. Reflecting on past and current experiences plays a major role in how I plan for the future. As I reflected upon what I had taken part of and witnessed in Tribunal I realized the importance of shared vision within the organization. My platform as President included collaborating with other tribunals, engaging in more events with the Dean’s office, being more present to the CECH student body, and hosting more social and academic events. Additionally, I wanted to increase attendance in General Body meetings and find better ways to spend Tribunal money to work in favor of students. 

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CECH Tribunal President: Welcome

Tribunal Initiatives & Accomplishments

  • Tribunal Treats | Meet Your Tribunal: Along with 4 other tribunals, we handed out cookies and information regarding the different tribunal initiatives, ways to engage, and meeting times.

  • Golden Apple’s Luncheon: Tribunal put together this award ceremony and event, with food from Dean Johnson, to recognize faculty on behalf of students’ nominations. Tribunal purchased Golden Apple awards from tribunal’s budget and put together a ceremony where students had a chance to speak and faculty were recognized and awarded.

  • International Day of Food & Friendship: Along with the Dean’s Office and Diversity & Inclusion board, we hosted an event where students and organizations of different backgrounds provided and shared food that celebrated their cultural heritage in means of giving thanks. Organizations gave presentations on the works of their organizations. Dean Johnson cooked Thanksgiving-themed food!

  • Tribunal Slogan and gear: The CECH Tribunal officially has a slogan: “Diversify Your Experience”. This slogan was placed on new gear that was purchased, such as water bottles, hand sanitizers, and pens.

  • Finals Week Destress: Tribunal members assisted in providing breakfast sandwiches, donuts, and coffee to students throughout the entirety of Finals week, as well as puppies from 4Paws to destress! Finals week also includes self-care initiatives and de-stressing events for students.

  • Student Spotlight: CECH Students had the opportunity to nominate themselves/peers in means to highlight their achievement and Bearcat spirit. Students who were nominated and chosen received a Tribunal Swag Basket and were highlighted in our weekly/biweekly newsletter.

  • 3 Trivia Nights (UC-themed, Valentine’s Day, Black History Month): Trivia nights had social aims, such as mingling but also celebrating the time around us. Important figures in UC and around the U.S. were highlighted in the Black History Month trivia, as well as facts about the university and other holidays in other trivia nights. Winners received gift cards, as well as tribunal gear.

  • CECH Slogan: After announcing the CECH tribunal slogan, discussion began with the Diversity & Inclusion committee and Dean’s office to extend this slogan/revamp the old CECH slogan to something more relevant. Talks with administration are in the works and students are being surveyed to provide their opinion on different slogans.

  • IMPACT Co-sponsorship: Tribunal is raising funds for 20 individuals from the IMPACT program to fund their UC Rec Center gym passes by fundraising from different organizations and businesses in the Cincinnati community. One UC Red-and-Black 9-month gym membership is $360, pushing us to request funding from at least 20 organizations (Tribunal will be donating 3-5 gym memberships). Tribunal will purchase t-shirts, from our budget, to raise awareness about the IMPACT program at the end of the 2019 Spring semester. These t-shirts will have the logos of organizations that have funded the gym memberships and will be passed to students.

  • Toaster/Grill for Teachers-Dyer Complex Café: An aim of Tribunal is to purchase necessities in Teachers-Dyer Complex. We have discussed with students, staff, administration, and workers to see what is needed. The need for a new toaster and panini grill arose in the Teachers-Dyer café and tribunal funded it, with an opening day with free tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

CECH Tribunal President: Welcome
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