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2017-18 Year-in Review

"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone." - Reba McEntire

Junior year has come to an end! We started by cruising right through by witnessing the solar eclipse on day 1, literally, and the cruise continued through a winter we never thought would come to an end. As my Bearcat journey continues and I have an opportunity to reflect back on this year, I would definitely say that this year has been full of challenging moments that allowed me to grow as a leader, individual, and to truly explore my dreams as Senior year approaches. I was often reminded throughout the year of one the greatest assets of our Bearcat community: the support system we have, whether that is administration, students, or staff. 


I have been met with many opportunities throughout the year whether that is new positions, speech competitions, sitting on panels (#ElectHer), organizing campus events, or working with a new group of freshmen. I have continued to meet a lot of inspiring and amazing individuals that want to give back to their community. Being surrounded by many different characters, I have realized the importance of diversity in our lives. Diversity of thought, character, and an openness to learn about the different paths people have walked. Some challenges I faced was realizing the parts of our community that are not diverse and individuals that simply did not want to practice empathy and open-mindedness. We thrive in our diversity. We thrive in our ideas. We thrive by being challenged. But it all depends on how we react to challenges that determines our future. Just remember to smile through it. :)


I hope through these images viewers get a glimpse of my experience at UC this past year. Diversity. Love. Perseverance. Bring it ON, Senior year!  

2017-18 Year In Review: About
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