Mariam Elgafy

Mariam Elgafy
What About Me?
Welcome to my journey! My name is Mariam Elgafy and through these short clicks on my website, you will get a glimpse of my work and aspirations. I'm currently the Associate Director of Philanthropic Stewardship at the UC Foundation. I graduated from UC with a double major in Education and Communication, with a minor in Political Science, and earned my Master's degree in Communication. I am also an adjunct faculty, teaching Public Speaking, Business Communication, Interpersonal Communication, to name a few. I provide consulting services in regards to strategic planning, leadership management, and communication. Throughout this journey, I plan to apply to Law school where my love for policy making, educational reform, and political science can come to full bloom.
Full plate? Not quite.
​But allow me to tell you my story....
I have been told that having too many interests means a person is labelled "undecided" or "too ambitious"; but I would have to strongly disagree. I am focused on who I want to become and through many experiences have come to know the path to my personal story. And if it takes a double major, a minor, 3 part-time jobs, and athletic performance, then let it be. Focus, determination, and perseverance. ​
I have always believed in education being key to civilization and eventually granting the rights of others. I spoke out on behalf of the oppressed and soon labelled as "The Voice of the Voiceless". I have come to realize that I would rather give others the platform to speak and ignite their personal stories; because the power of storytelling and personal narratives is unparalleled.
I speak. For you. For me. My voice is heard.
To speak louder. Challenge more. Give more. Browse more. Think bigger. Love harder. Achieve the impossible.